
"Space" Jokerman (outtake) - Bob Dylan - Visualmyth

Jokerman (outake) by Bob Dylan. Spacewalk flying by NASA. Visualmyth by Patrick Burke.
"Freedom just around the corner for you, but with truth so far off what good will it do?" Bob Dylan. 
The Grifter:
"He is a kindred spirit of the neo-authoritarians. He has repeatedly tweeted and spoken about his disdain for the free press and the rule of law. He has little interest in bolstering the free world from authoritarian advances. If left to his own devices, he would go much further than he has in partnering with Vladimir Putin’s Russia and developing what a senior White House official described as a “no friends, no enemies” worldview. In this competition of models, the president of the United States is on the other side." Thomas Wright