Ulysses Battle - Jimi Hendrix - Vietnam 3 - Visualmyth
The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Spanish Castle Magic (excerpts), Stockholm, Sweden 1969. Film clips from "The Anderson Platoon" by Pierre Schoendoerffer, © French Broadcasting System. And Public Domain video, Vietnam. Visualmyth by Patrick Burke.
"In the Year of the Pig" is an Academy Award nominated documentary about the Vietnam War made in 1968. Directed by Emile De Antonio. Jonathan Shay, "Odysseus In America".
The genisis of the genocide: "The Uncounted Enemy: The Vietnam Deception".
"It was Sam Adams who discovered in 1967 that there were more than a half-million Vietnamese Communists under arms – roughly twice the number that the U.S. command in Saigon would admit to, lest Americans learn that claims of “progress” were bogus." Samuel A. Adams, former Central Intelligence Agency analyst.